Election Aftermath: What Can We Do Now?

Election Aftermath: What Can We Do Now?

From Kay Phillips, YWCA Advocacy Committee, Pacific & Northwest Areas

Continue doing what YWCAs have been doing for 158 years

WSC members Jill Sen and Mildred Persinger on the way to the polls Nov. 7
WSC members Jill Sen and Mildred Persinger on the way to the polls Nov. 7
  • Breaking racial, cultural, and gender barriers
  • Bringing diverse people together and listening to each other’s stories (See below*)
  • Working shoulder to shoulder through YWCA programs to build a more just society
  • Respecting people’s individual differences and celebrating our commonalities
  • Making our voices heard in the governmental corridors of power
  • Pioneering on issues that most affect women, girls and persons of color

So, how do we begin action in this post-election era? Here are some ideas

  • Address divisions by providing dialogues on racial understanding
    Contact info@everyday-democracy.org for guideline packets
  • Encourage your school district to support respect for diversity
    Deliver “Teaching Tolerance” free materials from Southern Poverty Law Center & “Facing History & Ourselves” for teacher’s curriculum
  • Insist that tv and radio hosts lower their rhetoric that disrespects
    Send postcards or emails to hosts and sponsors urging moderation
  • Continue to campaign for legislation affecting women, families, and persons of color – Join the YWCA USA Advocacy network
  • Value critical thinking and dig for facts behind the headlines on legislative issues
  • Energize your advocacy support work – Convene monthly advocacy luncheons to study issues and take action
  • Join with YWCA allies on state capitol lobbying days – Possibilities are DV alliances, League of Women Voters, AAUW, NOW
  • Celebrate the “good guys” with letters of appreciation -Send a note of appreciation with a Thanksgiving card to thank legislators (or  staff or volunteers) for their work in bringing about change

Never give up! YWCAs working together can build a better world for everyone!!

* “I remember being at a YWCA area meeting around 40 years ago when an elderly Black woman from the South told her story of having no voice in the city government to get help. But she and some white women were able to meet together only at the YWCA, where she could express her needs by including them in her prayers: “Oh, Lord, there are some mighty big potholes in our neighborhood. How do you think we could get them fixed?” Mission was accomplished.